
Asurion Home+ Plus Cancel
Asurion Home+ is the protection plan for your device to extend its warranty services and manage its protection. It covers the tech support and other protection services for all the devices at your home. You can subscribe to the Asurion Home + plan for various devices such as laptops, TV,

SiriusXM Keeps Losing Signal
SiriusXM is a high-class radio device that you can install on your vehicle and enjoy playing videos on the go. However, SiriusXM may suffer from some technical and signal-related issues due to which it won’t be able to play the music. So, here we will discuss the “SiriusXM Keeps Losing

Dyson Air Purifier Keeps Turning Off
Dyson is a highly demanding air purifier that comes up with outstanding performance. It works on the sensors which check and monitor the air quality. So, due to the malfunctioning of this sensor, the user may sometimes face problems with the device. One of the common issues that may arise

Nintendo Switch Overheating Issue Fixed
While playing games for a long time using the Nintendo switch it may overheat which further leads to a lot of problems. However, there can also be other factors for the Nintendo Switch Overheating issue. It can be due to dust, poor ventilation, overuse, and damaged fans. Here, we will

Cash App Invalid Card Number
Cash App allows you to make payment transfers directly using your device. You can add your card or bank account for direct payments. If the Cash App Says Invalid Card Number, then it means that the user is not entering the correct number on the card. Moreover, there can be

Cash App Stuck on Choose a Cashtag
Cash App is a reliable application that helps you to send and receive money safely to others. You can use the app for the easiest process of money transfer. You have to register your account and log in using your credentials for using the app. The payment transfer goes on

Venmo Keeps Declining Payment
Venmo is a highly productive application that allows you to transfer the money from one account to another. For the transfer process, you need to link the bank accounts with the Venmo. Also, you can link to your card. Moreover, sometimes you may face an issue as ‘Venmo Keeps Declining’

Venmo Money on Hold
Venmo may hold up your payment transfer or money for some security purposes. It does so to ensure a safe and secure environment for the buyer and seller. There can be several reasons for the operator to hold your money and wait for some information and confirmations. Here, we will

PayPal Money Received Pending
PayPal is a reliable and secure platform for small businesses and individuals to exchange money and make payments for your purchases. You can also transfer money to your friends and family members. You can make payments directly by linking your account to Paypal and updating your balance. But, sometimes you

What to Do When Cash App Transfer is Failed
There was a time when money used to be silver coins & plastic notes. However, nowadays majority of transactions take place digitally. To clarify, people use digital apps to transfer money to another person or business, instantaneously. That is to say, one such app is the Cash App, developed by

Venmo Money Not Showing Up in Account
Venmo is a payment transfer application that allows you to send or receive money to other parties. You can transfer money to Venmo by linking your bank account. You may only transfer the money to one who is enrolling in Venmo, else you may face pending transactions. Also, if you

Venmo Something Went Wrong
Venmo is a money transfer platform that allows you to send or receive money cashless directly through your mobile phones. You can use Venmo to link your account and handle payment transfers easily and quickly. It is a highly secure and reliable platform for the transfer of payments to business