Fix Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working

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There is quite possibly a lot of troublesome issues, one can encounter when operating through Xfinity XR15 Remote while you operate the device. If you’ve ever encountered the troubled user experience with your Xfinity XR15 Remote suddenly and started to face a rarely occurred Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue then this can be completely related to your issue and thus we can assure you to get required assistance via remote access or by physical access. This is to know whether while facing the Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue have you tried these or not, well in case If you’ve tried and installed a set of brand new batteries out of the package and you find out that the is still there then you are supposed to stay tuned as we present here an expert based tips and hacks to get resolved these issue by calling help or by fixing it by yourself.

Is Your Xfinity Based Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working Anymore?

Even the most robust, seemingly faultless networks can make a turn for the malfunctioning of a network and the devices connected in series as a whole sometimes. This teaches us to be prepared for any troubleshooting required which might not necessarily be an easy one. 

However, we honestly, feel this way if you are considering a removal program of your Xfinity related devices and is deliberately looking to know How To remove Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue with ease.

In these times we’ll like to suggest that it is often the better, even necessary, thing to do. As there are possibilities wherein you may be shifting to newer places, one who can better meet your needs and put your interests and convenience first. Whatever the reason for the change, we’re here to make this process as easy as possible for you.

Reasons for Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working

Faulty remote circuitry.

  • When the Xfinity remote has got damaged pair of circuit PCB installed thus unable to operate the device properly through Xfinity remote.

Accumulation hindrance

  • Dingy keys because of excessive carbon depositions & dirt accumulation. This is generally the most considered cause for Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue that often occurs at times.

Faulty Remote Programs

  • As provided prior to each unique client will get access to the new remote. thus,  while accessing the new Xfinity XR15 remote, you have to ensure for connectivity-related issues or program it with the set-top box. If you have not done this already then your remote will never work.
  • So just go home and program your Xfinity remote with the set-top box.

Device or App problem

  • In certain cases, we have seen that the application or the device itself has a problem. And as it is possible that at times a communication gap might get to develop in between the set-top box & Xfinity XR15 Remote.
  • Therefore, on the chance, in this case, it is generally advisable to you that you reset either of the electronic devices to get rid of the Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue.

Dead battery

  • Though it is a common reason but is a very important one. It is commonly acquainted point that on the off chances if the battery set runs out of charge or are dead then there occurs Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue automatically.
  • So instead of getting annoyed, first check the battery charging status of your remote.

Also check: Comcast Remote Not Working

Basic Troubleshooting Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working

  • Firstly, take note that Xfinity is a well-renowned cable communication setup installation and service provider. It provides services like cable connectivity via the devices using the internet, Also as Xfinity remote renders to get accessibility on every service right in your reach at your home using the internet.
  • Since a lot of Xfinity users have encountered critical difficulties with their Xfinity XR15 Remote and has often accompanied about Xfinity remote not working issue. However, as per the reports, there have been mentioning about the people who complained that their model of  Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working anymore.
  • As a matter of fact, in your case, you also have been a victim of this problem, then you are in the correct place. Although prior to everything which also includes the discussion of some points that could be the possible cause of the very commonly appearing Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue.

Related: Fix Xfinity Stream Not Working

Advanced DIY Guide For Troubleshooting When Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working Anymore

Note that since you got into this section which also implies that you might also have got stuck the similar issue with your Xfinity remotes as it throws Xfinity XR15 Remote Not Working issue and thus you are desperately looking for steps to get it resolved.

Programming and resetting the Xfinity remote

As mentioned earlier, when you receive the Xfinity remote for the first time, you have to sync it or program it with the set-top box. But in case the remote is already connected and still is not working then you can always reset the remote for proper functionality.

Henceforth, here is a step by step guide by following which you will be easily able to reset your Xfinity remote.

  • Firstly,  make sure to click the three buttons as mentioned on your remote one bu one.
  • Upon doing this a code will pop up on your screen.
  • Now carefully type in this passcode using the buttons of your remote. Once done wait approximately for some time.
  • After this, the TV will ask for a verification where you have to press the OK button on your remote to select the Yes option on the screen.
  • Now the further steps will be shown on the Tv.
  • Now attentively wait while you hold the keys on your Xfinity XR15 Remote.

If you’re still getting the issue then talk with live person at xfinity customer service.

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