Venmo Money on Hold

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Venmo may hold up your payment transfer or money for some security purposes. It does so to ensure a safe and secure environment for the buyer and seller. There can be several reasons for the operator to hold your money and wait for some information and confirmations. Here, we will discuss the issue you may face with your account as ‘Venmo Money on Hold’. Also, we will discuss the steps and the practices we can adopt to fix the problem and proceed with the payment successfully. It may take a maximum of 21 days for Venmo to hold your money and delay the transfer.

Why are the reasons for Venmo Money on Hold?

There can be several factors that are responsible for the on-hold issue. These can be as follows:

  • You are a new account holder
  • You are a new seller
  • Unusual payment transfer
  • Payment from an inactive account
  • Selling a high-risk product
  • Flagged user

So, these are the possible factors for the Venmo Money on Hold issue. The on-hold payments are released by the operator automatically in 21 business days. But, still, if you want the instant release of the payment, then you need to resolve the problem by either taking it to the customer care executive or following up with some troubleshooting steps.

Troubleshoot and Fix – Venmo Money on Hold

Resolving Issue with New Seller or New Account Holder   

For a new account holder, you may face a ‘Venmo Money on Hold’ issue more likely for your first transaction. There requires some confirmation or documentation to release the payment. For the customer, it is important to make a positive history for instant payments and money transfers. If you fail to fulfill the documentation or the confirmation, then you have to wait for at least 21 days for the release of the payment. In case of any failure of the transfer, the whole amount will reflect in the sender’s account.

Resolve Issue with Inactive Account

The main cause for the Venmo Money on Hold issue is the inactivity of the account for a long time. A large number of users fall into this category. In this case, you can resolve the problem by rebuilding positive selling history that is active. After that, you may be able to make the payments directly without any hold.

Unusual Transaction

For the unusual transactions as compared to the previous ones, or in the case of the international transaction also there are higher chances of ‘Venmo Money on Hold’ to arise. The user must maintain its payment patterns, and avoid international transactions for resolving the problem. Venmo makes your money on hold to keep you safe from theft activity or attack. To resolve the problem, you can try to contact the executive and provide the justification for your payment being released from hold.

Sell Only Legitimate Products

Any items that are not safe for the customers or that have been flagged as inappropriate by the customers can also cause the issue ‘Venmo Money on Hold’. In this case, you can resolve the problem by selling only legitimate items. In case, you want to sell other items and your Venmo money is subject to hold, then you have to wait for 21 days for the release and completion of the transfer.

Resolving Flagged User Issue

Also, the user may face a ‘Venmo Money on Hold’ issue if it corresponds to being flagged by a large number of people. To resolve the problem, you have to work directly with the buyer and ensure the secure and identified payment. You can contact the Venmo executive for the precise working and the release of the on-hold payment.

How Do I Remove a Hold on Venmo?

Although it may take a maximum of 21 days for Venmo to release the payment automatically, by following up with some documentation process you may make it earlier. If you can relate to the policies and you may not violate its terms and agreement, then it will help to remove the hold. You can talk to the customer care executive about removing the ‘Venmo Money on Hold’ and work according to the terms and conditions for removing on-hold. You can also check our post on what to do when venmo account is on hold.

How Long Does Venmo Hold Your Money?

Venmo may take up to 30 days to hold the payment. It will release after the completion of 30 days and satisfying the terms and formalities. The final payment will reflect in the sender’s account for any failure of the transfer process. You can call the executive and discuss the query and take its help for a quick release.

Why is Venmo Holding My Payment?

The users may face Venmo Money on Hold due to various factors such as inactive account, new account holder, high-risk selling product, flagged user, unusual payment, etc.

Also check: Fix venmo there was an issue with your payment

How to Contact Venmo Customer Care Executive?

You can contact the Venmo executive by calling on its toll-free phone number. The agent is present 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the service. You can call the agent and discuss the issue you are facing. The agent will ask you to complete the formalities and then it will release your account successfully. You can then proceed with the payment transfer without any hold of your money.

Apart from calling the agent, you can also contact the agent on the live chat or send an email to the agent. The executive will respond to you back shortly and resolve the issue you are facing. You can also contact the executive on social media sites as they are present actively during the official hours. The best method to contact the Venmo executive is by calling the agent or chatting with the agent as it may help you with a quick and fast response.

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