How to Fix Error Code 0xc00000e9 Windows 10

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How to Fix Error Code 0xc00000e9 Windows 10

Don’t Fall For This Error Code 0xc00000e9 Scam- Read Or Miss Out!

Windows Error Code 0xc00000e9 is a typical Windows Boot Manager issue which when erupts signifies that either a hardware technical glitch or a blacklisted file system is encountered while the running of boot scan. It shows up as a prompt message not much long after the PC Starts to function, yet before the Windows login screen, the erroneous message prompted reads as follows: “An unexpected I/O error has occurred. Error code: 0xc00000e9”.

Gadget issues may happen unexpectedly on Windows 10 because of the incompatibility of hardware and the installation of faulty device drivers on the computer. Error Code 0xc00000e9 is the erroneous code of Windows which shows that you potentially have an issue with the equipment or gadget driver somewhere.

How To Get Rid Of Windows Error Code0xc00000e9

Error Code 0xc00000e9

The Windows 0xc00000e9 error code always is connected to the boot scan/ boot process for Windows. It is basically an I/O hardware associated error, that is most expected to arise when the Operating system is unable to access a drive or disk, which indicates that it cannot perform any Read-write operation. Since it often occurs, experts have worked upon its probable reason for why the error may appear:

  • External hardware or PC components malfunctioning
  • Association of damaged I/O ports.
  • Mismatched placed components such as an open-circuited drive can not establish any contact with the motherboard PCB.
  • If UEFI, BIOS, or CMOS settings are configured improperly.
  • Due to the occurrence of Windows Registry problems or Corrupted system files.
  • Setbacks associated with Windows Update.
  • Attack of a boot sector virus or any other malware/ trojans entity.

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Read These 15 Tips To Fix Error Code 0xc00000e9 in Windows 10, 8, 7, and Vista

Check out these steps in order to remove the error until it gets scrapped:

  1. First of all, Reboot the computer. If you are unable to log in to your computer then choose to perform a hard reset by pressing the power button until the computer goes off, then after switching the computer back in ON state.
  2. Make sure to disconnect all the external devices. Also, ensure to remove all required peripherals such as flash drives, external hard drives, and other USB devices, then after hold the power button to restart the computer. These hardware peripheral devices can interfere with the boot scan process many a time. However, to remove the error try removing peripherals one by one to check and confirm for the device that is at fault.
  3. Now choose for running a full scan of Windows for error check. In the case, if Windows OS loads smoothly without any sign of troubles after a system reboot’s completion, then use the inbuilt Windows Error Checking software tool and the SFC scan now can enable command to check the drives and system files respectively for any issues.
  4. Boot into protected mode. At the point when Windows doesn’t boot typically, you can regularly get to the working framework in protected mode. On the off chance that that works, you can perform huge numbers of the investigating ventures underneath from inside Windows.
  5. Update the drivers. In case you’re ready to boot into Windows, verify whether all gadget drivers are forward-thinking, especially those identified with I/O ports and capacity.
  6. Perform out a Windows Startup Repair. On the off chance that you can’t sign in to Windows, utilize a Windows plate or a readied USB drive that incorporates the Windows programmed fix apparatuses. A Startup Repair can fix degenerate framework documents, vault mistakes, and missing substance that occasionally cause this blunder to appear.
  7. Ensure to run a full scan of the PC for malware. If malware prohibits Windows from rebooting, using a bootable antivirus tool. Then download an antivirus program for Windows on a different computer and copy it to a bootable disc drive. As known, most virus tools include a bootable rescue tool that runs a scan command as a system from a command bar.
  8. Test the hard drives. The most effortless approach to do this is to utilize a free hard drive testing instrument. In the event that you approach the order briefly, run the instrument from that point without expelling the hard drive. Another alternative is to supplant the hard drive with another drive you know works. You may likewise make a decent attempt to drive in another machine.
  9. Change the boot request. The boot succession may have changed on the off chance that you introduced another hard drive, connected an outer drive, or associated a USB gadget. It can likewise happen when you update the framework BIOS. Access the PC’s BIOS or UEFI settings, at that point ensure the hard drive that Windows is introduced on is recorded at the head of the boot arrangement.
  10. Update the volume boot code to utilize BOOTMGR. The volume boot code can get tainted or connected with a boot loader other than the Windows default BOOTMGR. Refreshing the volume boot code should fix this issue.
  11. Fix the Master Boot Record (MBR). Like the volume boot code, the Master Boot Record contains information fundamental for stacking Windows. The MBR discloses to Windows which drive and parcel to using during boot, so fixing the MBR may resolve the mistake.
  12. Debilitate Windows Secure Boot. The Secure Boot highlight can keep outer equipment or programming from working with a PC. Incidentally, handicap it to check whether that fixes the issue.
  13. Make sure that you perform a secure system restore. As in case if the problem started occurring again after the installation of a new device or program, then you are advised to selectively choose for the Windows system restore function to put back the operating system in order.
  14. Ensure to perform a clean and smooth installation of Windows. Windows reinstallation leads to overwriting of all amendments made into the system. Thus, resulting in all the files that were meant to be corrupted or in the missing state are restored back to proper working order.
  15. Check for peripheral’s issues. On the off chance that conceivable, look inside the PC for anything that might be free or disengaged. Do likewise for any outer gadgets that caused the blunder. On the off chance that you distinguish an equipment issue, you can fix it yourself or contact the producer for help getting the PC fixed.

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